Self Love Series: The Choice, The Change, The truth

Self Love Series: The Choice, The Change, The truth

Posted by camille Simpson on

Instagram: @lauranslane

Life either forces you to sink into a dark, deep place of self-loathing, or it produces someone who is determined to keep a positive attitude, regardless of what life decides to toss your way.

That’s your overall choice of an outlook; but does that include “Self Love”?

Have you ever REALLY looked into the definition of Self Love ? The definition, per Merriam-Webster, is “a regard for one’s own well being and happiness”. We can sometimes get SO CAUGHT UP in the everyday business of “life”, that we often times neglect ourselves. It is so very easy to put the needs of others in front of your own, however, you won’t be any good to anyone ELSE if you haven’t taken care of SELF! Let’s take a look at THREE THINGS TO DO TO TIGHTEN UP ON SELF LOVE:

  1. Maybe it’s time to “unplug”. Self Love is getting into a space where you can center yourself. Granted, some of us run businesses that require us to LIVE on Social Media sites (for example, I am a Digital Marketing Specialist), however, you can “unplug” from your personal social media sites! We wake up and hop RIGHT on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, etc., and we have NO IDEA if our legs even work. It may be time to unplug, learn what things make you smile outside of posting #TBTs, and do more of what makes your soul happy.
  2. Remove yourself from anything or anyone that no longer serves you in a positive light. Self Love means not allowing anything or anyone to disrespect who you are, and never “just existing” in something because you’re used to being there. If that means leaving that relationship that no longer serves you (friend or “bae”), then you need to make the decision that is ultimately best for YOU, not for them. If that means to leave an organization/group/job that does not value what you bring to the table, then take the professional route out and resign from your position. You never want to be involved with anyone or anything that could feel in ANY WAY like a burden!
  3. It’s ok to be selfish sometimes; do something for yourself! Self Love means taking time out for “you”. Do something silly; sit at home and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING; call a friend and gab for hours; take a drive while listening to the music in your music library; watch reruns; sleep in; take a walk around the park; take yourself on a date! Whatever me-time looks like for you? Do that. Take time out for you.

Self Love is being your own cheerleader, and cheering for yourself is necessary. When is the last time you gave yourself credit for just being who you are? Be kind to that person in the mirror...because there is ONLY ONE like you!

Self love

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